• Binyamin Simcha Bunim (Binou) 28 years old was born in September 1995
  • in Paris, France
  • Made Aliyah with his family to Israel at the age of 5
  • Absorbed from his parents the idea of “Torahto Umanuto” that transpires
  • through all of his paintings
  • Between age 8 and 12, Binou became an orphan of both parents
  • From there, he grew up in the Yeshiva World [Nehora, Chebron, Kneset
  • Israel]
  • Today, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and their two children
  • Studied and deepened his art skills in the studio of the artist Alexander
  • Eisenstadt
  • He devotes his day to Torah study and his nights to the art of painting

Main Styles in Kalikkztejn’s Art




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